From Skinny To Jacked! Michael Boyd’s Resistance Bands Transformation

James Grage

Micheal Boyd, a 29-year-old deputy sheriff from San Diego, is living proof that even the loftiest mass-gaining goals can be achieved at home without a single dumbbell, barbell, or machine. In the past two years, he’s packed on nearly 40 pounds of lean muscle with Undersun bands as his only equipment. Yes, 40 pounds!

In the below interview, Micheal tells Undersun founder James Grage how he manages to make career, family, and fitness all work in harmony. 

James Grage: Micheal, you’ve physically transformed almost entirely with Undersun bands and doing the TA2 programs. Give us a backstory of who you are and what your life is like.

Micheal Boyd: I've been into fitness for, I would say, 10 years. I started back in high school. I ran track and cross country, so I did a lot of calisthenics work. And then, I moved into just doing strictly calisthenics after I finished running track. And then after that, I decided that I wanted something more. I wanted to build muscle, but to do so conveniently and effectively. And that's how I ran into Undersun.

JG: What was that transition like going from calisthenics to bands? 

MB: I love body weight movements – push-ups, dips, pull-ups, all that good stuff. But I wanted to get bigger. So that's when I started looking for different things, and I got some Undersun bands. I liked the quality of the bands and the effectiveness of the workouts, especially TA2 Build… just mind-blowing. I started at like 145 pounds, and now I'm up to 180.

JG: That's impressive! People always ask me how bands stack up against free weights. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who's gained almost 40 pounds of muscle in two years using weights. And you did it with bands!

MB: Yeah, it's impressive. And that's what got me really sold [on bands] – when I started gaining that muscle mass. I look back at pictures of me from two, three, four years ago, and it's mind-boggling to me how skinny I used to be and how I look now. The bands have really played a vital role in being able to get me to where I want to be and continue to propel me.

JG: What drew you to resistance band training at home? Why is it that you’ve never gone to a gym?

MB: I didn't go to the gym because for me it was pretty inconvenient. The way my schedule works is, I work 12½-hour shifts, so it's literally half the day. After working that long, you get off work, you really don't feel like going to the gym. And I have a family – two young kids and a significant other. So it's very hard to find that time to go to the gym. With the bands, it makes it a lot more convenient and it really eliminates the excuse. 

JG: So, you've gained 40 pounds of muscle. Overall, how do you feel?

MB: I feel amazing. It's hard to look back [at two years ago], because back then I felt scrawny and weak and not as confident. When I was just doing calisthenics, I felt strong with certain movements. But overall strength doesn't compare to how I feel now, because you have the variable resistance from the bands. You're able to overload the muscles a lot better with bands. You're able to get that pump a lot more. 

JG: What advice would you give someone who's contemplating using bands? 

MB: I would say consistency is the key when it comes to working out. With bands, it makes it easier to be consistent. You have the convenience of working out at home… or wherever you want. So for me, it’s just consistency.

Want the same bands and workout plan that Micheal followed? Check out Undersun’s Muscle Building Bundle, which includes the full 5-band set, TA2 Build 90-day digital program, and door anchor to turn any door into a gym. 

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Muscle Building Bundle

90 Day Complete Muscle Building Resistance Band Workout Program. The TA2 Muscle Building Bundle gives you the freedom to train anytime or anywhere you want, and still get the same awesome results that you would in the gym!

Start Today Only $32.50